
Cryptos The Cryptocurrency App

Project Picture

The Product

Cryptos Laptop Picture

Cryptos is a cryptocurrency trading app that allows users to buy and sell various cryptocurrencies. It provides the user with a diverse set of tools to monitor their investments, model future trades, and track market trends.

The Problem

The Problem Picture

Do it yourself traders want an app that will allow them to buy and sell different cryptocurrencies as well as monitor the latest market trends and alert them to any market fluctuations.

The Goal

The Goal

Create an app that will allow customers to trade cryptocurrencies and provide them with tools to monitor their investments and the market.

My Role

Role Picture

Lead UX Research & Designer

My Responsibilities

Responsibilities Picture

My responsibilities throughout the project included user research (interviews and usability studies), paper and digital wireframing, low and high fidelity prototyping, verifying accessibility, and design iterations.

User Research

Research Picture

As the lead UX researcher and designer for this project, I conducted interviews, created empathy maps, and conducted usability studies to understand the user and their needs for this app.

After conducting the initial interviews three primary goals emerged for these users. The first and most common goal is having tools to model their portfolios and track market trends. The second goal for users is receiving notifications for changes in their portfolio. The third goal for users is to buy and sell crypto-currencies with minimal fees.

User Pain Points

Pain Points Picture


Persona Picture

Journey Map

Journey Map Picture

Paper Wireframes

Creating multiple versions of the wireframes helped to identify features for the app while addressing common user pain points, and mapping out the basic user flow for the page. Finanical and trading apps need to provide the user with lots of information. Finding the right amount of information to display will affect the overall user experience. The goal with the Cryptos app is to provide a smooth and logical user flow, displaying just the right amount of information in order not to overwhelm the user.

Paper Wireframe Picture

Note: This is a digital representation of the paper wireframes for improved clarity and readability.

Digital Wireframes

During the design phases of the project, user recommendations were implemented into the overall design of the app focusing on easy navigation and providing an informative layout.

Digital Wireframe Picture

A key feature for the app is the user’s portfolio. Here they will be able monitor their portfolio’s performance, buy and sell currencies, and have access to tools that will help them make the best decisions for their investments.

Digital Wireframe Picture

Low-Fidelity Protoype

The low-fidelity prototype demonstrates the main user flow for viewing and selecting currencies, as well as executing currency transactions for the app.

Low-Fidelity Picture

Low-Fidelity Prototype

Usability Study

I conducted two usability studies. The first study was based on the initial high-fidelity prototype. This study revealed the user pain points when using the app. The second study was based on the updated high-fidelity prototype and identified specific features that needed improvement.

Usability Study


The initial designs of the high-fidelity prototypes incorporated many of the low-fidelity layouts and features. Even though many of the elements of the low-fidelity prototypes were added to the high-fidelity prototypes the usability study revealed that certain key features were missing or had been overlooked such as help for users, so I added help options to the app.

Mockup Picture

Another important conclusion from the usability studies was the need for more information for the user, especially the shopping cart icon. I added the number of items currently in the shopping cart to the cart icon. I also simplified the user experience by adding close buttons to key pages to allow the user to close the current screen and return to the main feature page without having to backtrack through previous screens.

Mockup Picture

Responsive Design:

Mockup Picture

High-Fidelity Prototype

The final high fidelity prototype applies many of the recommendations from the research conducted for the project to provide an intuitive interface using multiple navigational aids to provide a clean and smooth user flow.

High Fidelity Prototype

High-Fidelity Prototype

Accessibility Considerations:

Accessibility Features


Impact Picture

The Cryptos cryptocurrency trading app demonstrates the company’s goal of providing its customers with another valuable tool for their investment portfolio. Having an app that gives its customers the tools to make strategic and knowledgable decisions for their investments combined with the ability to purchase cryptocurrency with minimal fees is crucial in giving Cryptos an edge over it’s competition.

What I Learned

Outcome Picture

Working on this project provided me with some valuable insights. Using the research results I was able to modify the designs to meet the users needs and add features I never even thought of. I also learned the value of quality over quantity in terms of what types of information to give the user.

Next Steps

Next Steps Picture
  • Apply changes from usability study to high fidelity prototype

  • Test prototype

  • Finalize designs

  • Hand off designs to the engineers for final product development

  • Run a final usability study with the actual product

  • Based on the study’s success prepare product for beta testing
